Check out my creative"Works"! A little bit of everything integrated into products and applications. My coding stack includes but is not limited to React, Next.js, GraphQL, and Node.js. I use awesome 3D design softwares and renderers like Three.js, & Blender to play with three dimensional models. I work all day everyday on either creating projects or learning programming and design.
Some softwares, libraries, & frameworks I love.
A simple and sleek Solar App, with email marketing to generate leads for a client. Built using Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind CSS. This is a fullstack solar website deployed for production on Vercel. Using component based programming fundamentals & Static Site Generation (SSG) using Next.js. This app has google analytics, performant SEO, and other integrations that ranked this app high in the Google search algorithm.
Things Used For This App!
A forked repository from my original DecentraMinds app that was turned into a personal portfolio "DecentraMinds" showcasing some of my works and creations. There is still alot more to be added and upgraded overtime, but keeping it simple and legible for recruiters and tech leaders to see and read about my ideas and vision for the future. Built using Next.js, GraphQL, Tailwind CSS & Three.js...also including a variety of other NPM integrations to enhance the app.
Things Used For This App!
A simple yet robust Blockchain Marketplace App, that allows users to view and purchase NFT's in a collection using Next.js, Thirdweb, Alchemy Pay and Metamask. After user signs in to Metamask they can view a users NFT Collection page. The app gets Smart Contract data like name, title, description, price, image from Thirdweb and manages the users content from a studio.
Things Used For This App!
This is just a simple example of what can be done using Next.js and a global state manager like Redux to control basket of different items in a global store. Of course we cant forget the tailwind magic used in all of my apps to make performant styling in any facet of the imagination. The items can be statically rendered, or server side rendered from any api, and product pages are dynamically routed using Next.js upgraded React features.
Things Used For This App!
A super neat recursive todo list turned into a progressive web application built with Typescript. A showcase of funky styling and a unique spin to building todo lists. Using Next.js, GraphQL, TailwindCSS and a variety of Node packages like react-carousel, ripple effects and typewriter to add a unique CSS spin to each component. This app allows you to input your todos in an infinite recursive manner. A one of a kind creation utilizing external gifs and data from GraphQL fetched using SSR, and SSG rendering techniques in Next.js.
Some softwares, libraries, & frameworks I use.
A sleek and familiar Movie Database with data fetched from Hulu api endpoint to give us popular movies data, and convert it into a modern app. Using Next.js to lazy load our data by a users request we can limit website payload and render data only when it is needed to enhance performance.
Things Used For This App!